SA Journal of Education, Vol 27, No 3 (2007)

Importance of emotional intelligence in conceptualizing collegial leadership in education

Prakash Singh, Peter Manser, Raj Mestry


We focus on the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) in conceptualizing collegial leadership in education. Research findings, both nationally and internationally, strongly suggest that a technocratic (managerial) approach to leadership is in conflict with the visionary, people-cen tred approach of modern organisations, including educational institutions at school level. Research on leadership over the past two decades indicates that the emotional intelligence of leaders matters twice as much as cognitive abilities such as IQ or technical expertise. EI is not in opposition to IQ but it is an extension of the human’s potential to succeed in a people-orientated environment. Traditional cognitive intelligence (IQ ) is combined with non-cognitive intelligen ce (EI) to help leaders perform at their best and inspire their followers to be successful and happy. Although the principal’s leade r sh ip is an essential element in the success of a school, current research indicates that the complexities of schools require a new focus on collab or ative (collegial) leadership. This research on EI, collegial leadership, and job satisfaction is illustrated in the Triumvirate Leadership Grid. It strongly suggests that a personal and emotional accountability system is essential for positive human development with in the learning environment.

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