SA Journal of Education, Volume 40, Supplement 2, December 2020

The study of the relationship between 21st-century learner skills, individual innovativeness and epistemological beliefs of teacher candidates by structural equation modelling

Ramazan Karatepe, Cenk Akay


The aim of the study reported on here was to build a structural model of the relationship between 21st-century learner skills, individual innovativeness and epistemological beliefs. Data of the study were collected with three different scales, namely, the 21st-Century Learner Skills Scale, the Epistemological Beliefs Scale, and the Individual Innovativeness Scale. The population of the study constituted 627 teacher candidates studying at Mersin University during the summer term of 2016 to 2017. After the data collection process, Structural Equation Modelling was applied through the LISREL program to determine what kind of model was established among the scales. According to the results, an increase of 1 unit in the Individual Innovativeness Scales leads to an increase of 0.51 units in the 21st-Century Learner Skills Scale, while an increase of 1 unit in the Epistemological Beliefs Scale results in an increase of 0.34 units in the 21st-Century Learner Skills Scale.

ORCiD iDs of authors
Ramazan Karatepe -
Cenk Akay -

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