SA Journal of Education, Vol 41, No 4 (2021)

Re-imaging support for beginner teachers in relation to initial teacher education policy in South Africa

Dorothy E. Esau, Rouaan Maarman


Findings from a recent study highlight beginner teacher’s perceptions about the nature of support they had received to enhance their competencies (Esau, 2017). Against this backdrop, with this article we aim at problematising support for beginner teachers in relation to the National Policy Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa of 2006. This teacher education policy stipulates principles that require of a novice teacher to assume specific roles and responsibilities which they find difficult to fulfil. The findings reveal that compliance with this policy is inhibited by the fact that teachers feel ill-prepared and unsupported on entering the teaching profession. Investigating the nature of support of beginner teachers, therefore, provides an opportunity to re-imagine both teacher education and context. In this article we highlight the risk evaluations of beginner teachers using Amartye Sen’s Capability Approach (CA).

ORCiD iDs of authors:
Dorothy E. Esau -
Rouaan Maarman -

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