Globalisation and the internationalisation of higher education in sub-Saharan Africa
Kuzvinetsa Peter Dzvimbo, Kholeka Constance Moloi
In a shrinking world, in which a neo-liberal discourse has permeated sub-Saharan African
higher education, critical reflection is required to assess the merits and demerits of globa-
lisation. Research, intensive discussion and hearings conducted over a two-year period by the
Task Force on Higher Education and Society, convened by the World Bank and United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the purpose of exploring the
future of higher education in the developing world, led to the conclusion that without more and
better higher education, developing countries would find it increasingly difficult to benefit from
the global knowledge economy. A decade later, we argue for a radical change in the traditional
discourse on globalisation because of the emergence of countries such as China, South Africa,
India, and Brazil as global players in the world economy. These emerging global powers,
reframe the political and imperial philosophy at the epicentre of globalisation discourse – an
economic creed, through their mutual consultation and coordination on significant political
issues. Their economic and military capabilities enable them to influence the trade regime and
thereby strengthen the voice of the developing world as a whole. In relation to this paper’s
inquiry, the cooperation of these emerging powers gives the free enfranchised people of the
world an opportunity to choose a different path of international relations (internationalisation)
formed on more liberal lines, as opposed to the neo-liberal economic rationality of globa-
lisation. This paper therefore examines globalisation and internationalisation of higher educa-
tion in sub-Saharan Africa, a field in which increased knowledge production and distribution
open up opportunities for users, institutions and societies. Against a background of chronic
economic uncertainty we examine the influence of major international institutions on the
direction of higher education, in particular teacher education. Drawing on relevant literature
and our own experience, reflexively, we argue that the tendency, towards free market regulation
ideologies, privileges neo-liberal global knowledge discourses, such that they impose on higher
education a need to respond across a range of fields.
doi: 10.15700/201503070808
higher education, critical reflection is required to assess the merits and demerits of globa-
lisation. Research, intensive discussion and hearings conducted over a two-year period by the
Task Force on Higher Education and Society, convened by the World Bank and United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the purpose of exploring the
future of higher education in the developing world, led to the conclusion that without more and
better higher education, developing countries would find it increasingly difficult to benefit from
the global knowledge economy. A decade later, we argue for a radical change in the traditional
discourse on globalisation because of the emergence of countries such as China, South Africa,
India, and Brazil as global players in the world economy. These emerging global powers,
reframe the political and imperial philosophy at the epicentre of globalisation discourse – an
economic creed, through their mutual consultation and coordination on significant political
issues. Their economic and military capabilities enable them to influence the trade regime and
thereby strengthen the voice of the developing world as a whole. In relation to this paper’s
inquiry, the cooperation of these emerging powers gives the free enfranchised people of the
world an opportunity to choose a different path of international relations (internationalisation)
formed on more liberal lines, as opposed to the neo-liberal economic rationality of globa-
lisation. This paper therefore examines globalisation and internationalisation of higher educa-
tion in sub-Saharan Africa, a field in which increased knowledge production and distribution
open up opportunities for users, institutions and societies. Against a background of chronic
economic uncertainty we examine the influence of major international institutions on the
direction of higher education, in particular teacher education. Drawing on relevant literature
and our own experience, reflexively, we argue that the tendency, towards free market regulation
ideologies, privileges neo-liberal global knowledge discourses, such that they impose on higher
education a need to respond across a range of fields.
doi: 10.15700/201503070808
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